Saturday, March 15, 2014

Easy French Toast

My Dad is a big French toast fan and since I've been making breakfast a lot lately, I figured I would try my hand at this classic. I need something quick and easy if I'm going to make it in the morning and this recipe is perfect for that!

Here's what you need:
1 egg
3/4 C milk
1 TBSP ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 pinch salt
2 slices bread

Here's what you do:
1. Beat together the egg, milk, cinnamon, vanilla, and salt.
2. Heat a lightly oiled skillet/griddle over medium heat.
3. Soak bread slices in egg mixture thoroughly on each side. Cook the bread until both sides are crisp and lightly browned.

Serve with fresh fruit, warmed maple syrup, and a nice glass of orange juice!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March's Resolution

For each month of 2014 I've decided to make a different resolution. So far, it's been really fun to see what I can change each month and how each change affects my routine. For March I've decided to avoid eating chips. I have a crazy obsession with Doritos and chips at Mexican restaurants - I love it all. It's really getting out of hand. So... to try and reign this back in I'm going to see if I can avoid eating them all together. Seeing at Lent starts today, it's also what I will be giving up for Lent! It will last a little longer than just March but I'm excited to see if I can handle it. Maybe it will also get me ready for spring break later this month! :)

Resolution Recap:
January: spend less time on my cellphone
February: take Denny to the park twice a week
March: chips