Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March's Resolution

For each month of 2014 I've decided to make a different resolution. So far, it's been really fun to see what I can change each month and how each change affects my routine. For March I've decided to avoid eating chips. I have a crazy obsession with Doritos and chips at Mexican restaurants - I love it all. It's really getting out of hand. So... to try and reign this back in I'm going to see if I can avoid eating them all together. Seeing at Lent starts today, it's also what I will be giving up for Lent! It will last a little longer than just March but I'm excited to see if I can handle it. Maybe it will also get me ready for spring break later this month! :)

Resolution Recap:
January: spend less time on my cellphone
February: take Denny to the park twice a week
March: chips

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