Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April's Resolution

Month 4 of 12 months of resolutions is already here! I can't even believe it. With graduation quickly approaching I thought it would be fitting to make this month's resolution one to help me ease into real life (ah scary). At the University of Alabama the dress code is pretty close to pajamas. The average girl wears either leggings or Nike shorts and an excessively large t-shirt. Is that even cute? I'm not sure. So for this month I'm going to try and wear actual real clothes to class at least twice a week. It doesn't sound like a lot but going from wearing gym clothes to real clothes... it's an effort. I've realized I go shopping and have these cute clothes but I never wear them. Now that the weather is approaching bearable, I don't have much of an excuse. Plus, like I said earlier, graduation is exactly a month from tomorrow and I don't think the real word wants me to wear t-shirts and gym shorts.

Resolution Recap:
January: spend less time on my cell phone
February: take Denny to the park twice a week
March: chips
April: dress like a real 22 year-old

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