Thursday, May 8, 2014

May's Resolution

I am so proud to say that I graduated from The University of Alabama with a BS in Food and Nutrition! These past four years flew by and I can't believe I have already completed undergrad. Everyone tells you that it goes by quickly, but you really don't know until you do it yourself! I enjoyed every moment at The University of Alabama and am excited to see what the future holds for me.
Roll Tide!!!
With everything being crazy because of graduation it has taken me a few days to come up with an appropriate resolution for this month. After having been in school my entire life, I think that for this month my resolution will be to read 3 books just for fun!!! I need a break from the text books, reports, and exams and this is the perfect get-away from all that. First on the list is the last book in the Divergent series (Allegiant) and I can't wait to bask in the sun and get started.

Resolution Recap:
January: spend less time on my cell phone
February: take Denny to the park twice a week
March: avoid eating chips
April: dress like an adult
May: relax and read 3 pleasure books

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